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07.06.2023 Google Search Central

English Google SEO office-hours from June 2023

This is an audio-only recording of the Google SEO office-hours from June 2023.

These sessions cover topics submitted around anything search and website-owner related like crawling, indexing, mobile sites, internationalization, duplicate content, Sitemaps, Search Console, pagination, duplicate content, multi-lingual/multi-regional sites, etc. The answers are compiled by the Google Search Relations team.

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Do you have a question about Google Search or SEO? It might be a good fit for the office hours. You can submit your question for Google SEO Office Hours here:

0:00 - Introduction
0:36 - Our syndicated version appears in Google Discover despite using canonical links. Why?
1:22 - Is it OK for 2 domains with different TLDs to target the same country for the same keywords?
1:56 - Do Lighthouse JavaScript warnings have any influence on page rating or ranking?
2:20 - How do I block Googlebot from crawling a specific section of a webpage?
3:27 - I submitted a sitemap but it’s not showing in search results. Why?
4:01 - Why does structured data show errors on Google but not
4:57 - Does the integration of security headers such as for HSTS have a ranking influence?
5:40 - Does Google do any kind of comparisons between current and previous XML sitemap versions?
6:42 - What is the difference between an XML sitemap and HTML? I have an error message in Search Console.
7:28 - How does Google treat structured data with parsing errors?
8:12 - Why is my website URL blocked?
8:37 - “Index Bloat” - is that a real thing that impacts Google crawling and indexing?
9:04 - How do I block Googlebot from even touching my site reliably and permanently?
9:43 - Can an SEO company get a Google approved badge?
10:08 - Can having multiple navigation menus hurt SEO performance?
10:33 - I tried to get HTML and ASPX pages to index and only a few HTML pages got indexed. Help!
11:04 - I see two results from the same domain but different webpages, the second one is slightly indented. Why?
11:43 - Is a fake Googlebot allowed? It mentions the official URL but is on a different IP address?
12:22 - Is there a way to disavow IP addresses instead of domain names?
12:31 - What is the purpose of using NOODP generally found in Blogger?
13:11 - Does "main content" mean that the video has to be the absolute first element on the page?

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