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18.09.2023 RustyBrick Barry Schwartz Search Engine Roundtable

David Iwanow On Big Companies With Google Algorithm Updates & SEO Agencies Tactics

In part one, we got to learn about David Iwanow and why it is important to reinvent yourself in this space, over and over again. In part two, we talked about Google algorithms and he said even though they are so big they still need to deal with the Medic update and core updates.

They even have to worry about it because sometimes their content is old and outdated, and they need to work on it. He even sees a lot of outdated SEO tactics being pitched to him and he knows to stay away. He is shocked by what SEOs pitch him. He still sees agencies pitch him dumb ideas, he said.

He then goes into examples around how to properly do SEO reporting, not with spreadsheets but with BigQuery. He doesn’t get why you should pay someone to do manual work when you can program it. He gave some specific examples, which is useful. Even Google Search Console will show you the details, or via the API and the bulk export.

David is also not a fan of removing pages all the time and you can figure out what you should do with those pages by pulling this data down. You first see if the pages are being crawled, indexed, and then ranked. He said then you can use ChatGPT to evaluate the page. ChatGPT can help you figure out if the content is updated and relevant.

You can follow David Iwanow on Twitter @davidiwanow.

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