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07.06.2023 Ahrefs

How to Win Featured Snippets in Google (Step by Step)

In this video, you'll learn how to win featured snippets in Google step by step.

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Complete SEO Course for Beginners: Learn to Rank #1 in Google ►

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Content Writing for SEO: How to Create Content that Ranks in Google ►

SEO Tips That Work (Even for Beginners) ►

Featured snippets are those answer boxes you see at the top of the Google search results. They come in different formats, but the most common types are paragraphs, lists, tables, and videos. Featured snippets can significantly increase your click-through-rate as they occupy prime real estate on the search engine results page.

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through four easy steps to maximize your chances of getting featured snippets.

In step one, we'll show you how to find featured snippet opportunities. By analyzing more than 2 million featured snippets, we discovered that to rank in position 0, you need to be among the top 10 search results for a specific keyword.

You’ll learn how to identify keywords with featured snippets where your page ranks in the top 10.

In step two, we'll guide you through choosing the right featured snippet opportunity. It's advantageous to prioritize keywords where there aren't other competitors in line for that snippet. Here you’ll learn how to exclude the top-ranking page from the SERP and check if other eligible pages appear as the next snippet in line.

Step three focuses on crafting content for featured snippets. Learn about the different types of content formats preferred by Google for featured snippets and provide tips on aligning your content to match the requirements and intent of the featured snippet.

In step four, we'll explain the importance of tracking and monitoring your progress. Learn how to analyze the impact of your optimizations and keep a close eye on your rankings.

By following these four steps, you can increase your chances of winning featured snippets in Google and drive more organic search traffic to your website. Watch the video to enhance your SEO strategy.

Time stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:26 Step 1: Finding Featured Snippet Opportunities
1:25 Step 2: Choosing the Right Featured Snippet Opportunity
2:12 Step 3: Crafting Content for Featured Snippets
4:17 Step 4: Tracking and Monitoring Your Progress

#featuredsnippets #howtowinfeaturedsnippets #featuredsnippetsoptimization

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