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27.11.2023 RustyBrick Barry Schwartz Search Engine Roundtable

Dave DiGregorio On ChatGPT For Local SEO & Being Super Process Focused

In part one with Dave DiGregorio we spoke about his journey from working in sports memorabilia to getting into SEO. Then, in part two we talked about some local pack reductions, diversifying your local SEO efforts, the services feature, and the amazing SEO community. Then, in part three, we talk about ChatGPT, process-focused, conferences, and more.

Dave said it was still the early days when we were speaking about it, and the first thing that came to everyone’s mind was to write content with it. They tested it, and it worked pretty well and pretty fast. Dave said there could be some ethical and maybe legal issues with that. So, they moved to improve their internal tasks using AI; he provided some examples. They use it to help rewrite title tags and other things, but he would love to have it help with coding on a calculator on a website.

I then asked about what they use to manage their almost 40 employees. He said they took the local SEO guide to use it internally to manage their processes. They turned it into an internal Wiki that is like 700 pages that does not just include your vacation day policies and employee stuff but also how to do specific local SEO tactics. They use Asana for internal process management, and it is working pretty well, he said.

Joy Hawkins is super focused on processes now, which I personally am a fan of.

0:00 ChatGPT for Local SEO
3:40 - Local Business Process Focus

We then spoke about remote work and how things changed with COVID. We spoke a bit about the benefits of working in the same office versus remote. He said he does miss that in-person aspect, but that is why they do the Local SEO Conference, LocalU. We got off on a conference management tangent.

You can learn more about Dave DiGregorio on LinkedIn or on X @deegs20.

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